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Dialogue Script of Animation “Sexuality Animation Classroom –Sexually Transmitted Infections”

Super: What are Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)?

Voice Over: STIs are primarily transmitted through sexual contact.

Voice Over: STIs can affect people of different age groups, genders, races and sexual orientations.

Voice Over: They are commonly caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites.

Voice Over: The common STIs are syphilis, gonorrhoea, genital wart, herpes genitalis, and pubic lice.

Voice Over: HIV is mainly transmitted through sexual contact. Which is also one of the STIs

Voice Over: Different STIs can present in different ways.

Voice Over: Unusual discharge from the penis or vagina.

Voice Over: Painful or frequent urination,

Voice Over: Small growth or blisters

Voice Over: Ulceration

Voice Over: Itching and rash over the genital area are all common symptoms.

Voice Over: However, some STIs have no signs or symptoms.

Voice Over: Even with no symptoms, you can still spread the infection through sexual contact

Super: The Health Consequence of STIs

Voice Over: Although some STIs might be asymptomatic, they can still affect your health.

Voice Over: Without treatment, it will cause serious health consequences.

Voice Over: Including infertility, infection of the heart or brain, and other essential organs.

Voice Over: It can also cause serious health problems for the infant if the pregnant woman is infected with STIs.

Voice Over: Such as congenital abnormalities, abortion, premature delivery, or stillbirth.

Super: STI Testing

Voice Over: STI testing can be done by taking specimens from the genitals or affected areas.

Voice Over: Or by blood test or urine test to diagnose whether you have STIs.

Super: Treatment of STIs

Voice Over: Nowadays, medicines such as antibiotics can cure some STIs.

Voice Over: All STIs can re-infect even being cured before.

Voice Over: To prevent re-infection, both sex partners should be treated simultaneously

Voice Over: But some STIs, like Herpes simplex virus type 2 and HIV cannot be cured.

Voice Over: Medicines can only control the medical condition and lower the risk of transmission.

Voice Over: You should use condoms correctly and consistently

Voice Over: until the viral load of HIV is completely under control.

Voice Over: For STIs, refrain from sex to avoid re-spreading STIs

Voice Over: until proven cure or the condition is under control.

Super: The Co-infection of HIV & STIs

Voice Over: Having STIs can increase a person’s risk of HIV infection by 2-5 times.

Voice Over: It is much easier for a person with HIV and STIs to transmit HIV through sexual contact

Super: Safer Sex: Prevention of HIV & Other STIs

Voice Over: Studies show that using condoms made of latex or polyurethane correctly and consistently

Voice Over: can reduce the risk of HIV and STIs infection and transmission

Voice Over: In fact, there is a chance of infection in every sexual contact.

Voice Over: Therefore, we not only need to protect ourselves with measures.

Voice Over: But also not to have sex casually with others.

Super: For more information, please visit: