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API (Announcements in the public interest) on AIDS
1987 - 2003 Hong Kong

  • VCD
  • Produced in 2004
  • Duration : 42 mins
  • The story :
    • The production of TV APIs on AIDS aims at arousing the public awareness in order to publicize information including routes of HIV transmission, common misconceptions, preventive measures on HIV infection, promotion of acceptance of the HIV infected, and other related matters.
    • JJ is the first Chinese who voluntarily disclosed his HIV status to support promotion of HIV prevention messages in the public. Shortly before his death in 1995, he was involved in the production of an API broadcast in local television channels. 'Dp bot discriminate HIV infected patients, show them your care,' said JJ. JJ's story is not included in this API collection to respect JJ's beloved wishes.

No. Title: year
1. 愛在陽光下(二)(Chinese) 2003
2. 愛在陽光下(一)(Chinese) 2003
3. 標籤無意義 (Chinese) 2002
4. 緩害量杯篇 (Chinese) 2002
5. 預防性病、愛滋病 男士做起 (Chinese) 2001
6. 共用針筒 2000 (Chinese) 2000
7. 做個負責任的男人請用安全套(廣東話) (Chinese) 1998
8. 做個負責任的男人請用安全套(普通話) (Chinese) 1998
9. 顏聯武先生的呼籲 (Chinese) 1996
10. 李碧心小姐的呼籲 (Chinese) 1996
11. 洪朝豐先生的呼籲 (Chinese) 1996
12. 謝偉俊先生的呼籲 (Chinese) 1996
13. 白韻琴小姐的呼籲 (Chinese) 1996
14. 多討論 (咀) (Chinese) 1994
15. 三名婦人 (髮型屋) (Chinese) 1994
16. 少女 (Chinese) 1993
17. 丈夫 (Chinese) 1993
18. 婦女的預防 (Chinese) 1992
19. 使用安全套 (Chinese) 1992
20. 特技人 (Chinese) 1992
21. 誤解 (III) (Chinese) 1991
22. 誤解 (II) (Chinese) 1991
23. 誤解 (I) (Chinese) 1991
24. 愛滋病與旅行人士 (Chinese) 1990
25. 安全性行為 / 安全套 (Chinese) 1990
26. 共用針筒 (Chinese) 1989
27. 同性戀 (Chinese) 1988
28. 愛滋病毒如何令我們受感染 (Chinese) 1988
29. 青少年與召妓 (Chinese) 1988
30. 預防- 高危群(酒吧) (Chinese) 1987
31. 高危群 (Chinese) 1987
32. 安全套 (Chinese) 1987
33. 金字塔 (Chinese) 1987
34. Love Under The Sun (II) 2003
35. Love Under The Sun (I) 2003
36. Live and let live 2002
37. Harm Reduction - Measure Cup 2002
38. Be a Responsible Man. Prevent AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases 2001
39. Sharing needle 2000 2000
40. Be a Responsible Man Use a Condom 1998
41. Appeal by Gary Ngan 1996
42. Appeal by Li Pik Sum 1996
43. Appeal by Hung Chiu Fung 1996
44. Appeal by Paul Tse 1996
45. Appeal by Pamela Pak 1996
46. Talk About AIDS (Mouth) 1994
47. Three Women (Salon) 1994
48. Girl 1993
49. Husband 1993
50. Women Protection 1992
51. The use of Condom (classified as 'Mature')
52. Stuntman 1992
53. Misconception III 1991
54. Misconception II 1991
55. Misconception I 1991
56. AIDS & Travellers 1990
57. Safer Sex/ Condom 1990
58. Sharing Needle 1989
59. Homosexual 1988
60. Infection of Ordinary People 1988
61. Youth & Prostitution 1988
62. Prevention-High Risk Group 1987
63. High Risk Group 1987
64. Condom 1987
65. Pyramid 1987